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It was in the public schools where a susceptible and vulnerable America sat through its “lessons”, isolated from competing and conflicting and distracting perspectives, where a de-education system got to work to dispel all doubts as to how things were. It was in these schools where America was conditioned to sit and pass its tests. Every syllable of indoctrinating boredom was constructed to give this future America its answers to every significant “how come?” in advance. It was an extensive and expensive training program that taught its pupils how not to think and to merely recall the answers provided. And after each young American had spent his allotted thirteen years sitting and fidgeting and squirming at those desks to prove he had absorbed his “lessons”, with pomp and ceremony he was handed his final pass mark - a diploma - as proof that, in essence, he had successfully been molded to assimilate, without question, exactly what he had been told by an array of authority figures.