(Fight DaCovid Big Pharma Cabal.......and you die......from bullets! - CL)
The Russian people have successfully managed to foil the latest attempt by the Global Covid Party to enforce its most current list of restrictions and vaccinations. The covid restrictions were unleashed June 16, while Putin was away at the Geneva summit. Moscow Mayor Sobyanin announced that QR codes would be required to enter all cafés and restaurants, and followed this up with demands for mandatory vaccination. But Russians continue to refuse to comply; by now they have found many ways to beat the system, the simplest solution being to avoid (and thus bankrupt) collaborating restaurants. The Mandatory Vaxx Regime brings new conspirators (like Alexei Navalny, the Russian Guaido presently in jail for swindling) and old school Kremlin propagandists into a rare (and suspicious) agreement. Now they all excrete New York mainstream media.
Many loyal Putinists were disappointed and aggrieved by the actions of Moscow’s Mayor; they spoke of treason and of abject surrender to US Dems. The people began to grumble that they would be voting Communist in the upcoming (September 19, 2021) Parliamentary elections. President Putin tried his best to stay above the fray, but recognizing that the Covid Party is actively arranging his political demise, he took steps to rescue his loyalists. Putin publicly called for the mayor to drop the restrictions, and then behind the scenes he had them removed. The QR codes have dried up, and peace has returned to Russian society only one month after the restrictions were announced. The vaccination effort goes on, but it is voluntary. Barring unexpected developments, Russia has passed through the pandemic trial with flying colours, in typically Russian style (“Give a candle to God and a poker to Satan”). People fell ill and died, as always, but there were no disturbances, no riots, and Putin continues to outperform his challengers, in word and in deed.
Not every leader manages to escape intact from these orchestrated confrontations with global Covidians. President of Haiti Jovenel Moïse was reluctant to push for the vaxx in his poor country; he didn’t drop everything and immediately reorganise his state’s government around the new vaccination regime. He then flatly refused AstraZeneca, saying the stuff is dangerous for your health. Little did he know that refusing Big Pharma is perilous to the health of even the elected leader of a sovereign state. Sadly, he has been assassinated by a gang of Colombian mercenaries claiming to be DEA (the US Drug Enforcement Administration) and some of them actually serving with the DEA. The killing was organised by a Florida-based security firm. The killers were trained by the US Army. As soon as the President of Haiti was murdered, the US called in the Marines and half a million doses of vaccine. Thus, this small rebellion against the Covid empire has been squashed.
Moise was bravely following in the footsteps of four African leaders who also tried to resist Covid rule. Tanzanian President, John Magufuli, a cheeky man, adroitly tested some papaya, a goat, and a sample of engine oil for Covid using WHO-supplied tests, and they all turned out positive. He rejected testing and declared Tanzania Covid-free. Immediately afterwards the London Guardian newspaper (in a section funded by Bill Gates) called for regime change. The US Council on Foreign Relations seconded the call, and presto! The man is dead. It has been persuasively argued that Tanzania was untouched by Covid because the population regularly used an easily available and inexpensive anti-malaria drug and thus the dreaded coronavirus could not sicken them.
Magufuli was preceded by the President of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, who did not allow WHO envoys into his country and refused to lock down and succumb to mass testing. He promptly died of a heart attack, just like Magufuli. The man who took his place immediately invited the WHO into the country and followed their instructions. Hamed Bakayoko, the Prime Minister of Ivory Coast and Ambrose Dlamini, who was prime minister of Eswatini (Swaziland) also died in suspicious circumstances. The suspicious circumstances around the assassinations are currently being covered up by Reuters fact checkers, who are claiming that “there is no evidence that leaders of Tanzania, Ivory Coast, eSwatini and Burundi were killed for refusing to vaccinate their countries against COVID-19.” I wonder whether if these fact checkers were so cautious about accepting evidence when Reuters was accusing Trump of being a Russian agent or when they claimed that that Putin poisoned Navalny with Novichok.
There is also a Covid component in the recent jailing of former South African President Jacob Zuma. While we are aware of tribal differences in South Africa, and even of Zuma crossing the ‘red line’ by attacking Oppenheimer of de Biers, his record on Covid was not widely publicized. A little research by Paul Bennett reveals the following vignette:
On 05 July 2021, former president Jacob Zuma on Sunday dismissed questions about his supporters gathered outside his home in KwaZulu-Natal without observing Covid-19 regulations. Zuma‚ who has not received a Covid-19 vaccination‚ addressed media personnel at his KwaDakwadunuse home in Nkandla on Sunday night and said he was not responsible for what his supporters did even if their actions were against lockdown regulations. According to Zuma‚ lockdown regulations were no different to the rules imposed on people during the mid-1980s state of emergency enforced by the apartheid regime. “We have a level 4 lockdown with all the hallmarks of a state of emergency and the curfews of the 1980s‚” said Zuma. “The only difference is that we use different levels‚ like contempt of court instead of detention without trial‚ but the substance is exactly the same. Being jailed without trial is no different from detention without trial.” Zuma revealed he had not been vaccinated against Covid-19 despite his age group qualifying for jabs. In what could be viewed as his first sign of disregarding lockdown regulations‚ the former president went out with Amabutho (Zulu regiments) on Saturday to greet supporters while not wearing a mask.
Bear in mind extremely strict anti-covid measures in South Africa, and you will understand their riots as a natural response to lockdown oppression, just like BLM in the US. You are free to reach your own conclusions about the coincidences in the case of Zuma, as with all the other recent regime changes connected to Covid activism.

The mask is a ‘masonic’ sign of support for the Covid Masters. Good guys like Biden wear the mask even when alone, while bad guys like Trump are usually maskless. Lukashenko and Putin are maskless, while the Belarus opposition and Navalny supporters wear masks. In Chile recently, the Left held primaries to pick a united candidate for presidency. The favourite was Daniel Jadua, a grandchild of Palestinian immigrants known for his fierce opposition to Israel. Worse, he fought for affordable medicines and pioneered ‘people’s pharmacies’. In his photos, he does not wear the mask. He was vociferously attacked by Chilean Jews who condemned his (yes!) anti-Semitism. Jadua was defeated, and the happy victors immediately presented their masked faces to the media so that we all might know who is good and who is bad. On some occasions, politicians do both, to err on the safe side. Russian and Iranian foreign ministers obliged mask fans by posing for pictures fully masked with elbows touching, then re-posed themselves for photos that will please ordinary folk, without masks and with a healthy handshake. The mask has evolved into a public declaration that we accept the Covid narrative, in the same way Christians cross their hearts.
The recent riots in Cuba were described as a ‘Covid Uprising’ by WSJ. Cuba indeed has an unusually high number of reported cases, hospitalisation and deaths – for a country with an excellent and free health system. It is rather low for Latin America; Communist Cuba manages very well compared to America’s best ally, anti-Communist Colombia.
Cuba’s problems have not changed since 1960; it is the US sanctions that continue to strangulate this island and its 12-million-strong people. Since 1991, there is no more USSR to relieve its loneliness, to buy its sugar and sell it oil. Putin’s Russia is friendly, but is not willing to quarrel with Washington for Havana’s sake. Venezuela would help, but it is also under US sanctions. Iran would provide it with oil, but the US Navy stops its vessels and steals the oil. Biden, as Trump before him, wants to prove Communism does not work; all they actually prove is that it is very hard for a small country to survive if the US is determined to crush it.
Cuban leaders are neither Covid dissidents nor anti-vaxers. Cuba had already developed its own vaccine and begun to vaccinate people. It was not an easy enterprise, for even the needles needed for injection are under US sanctions. Worse, Cuban efforts to save themselves incited the fury of the US vax party: they want everybody vaxed with US vaccines, and any kind of competition drives them mad. Cubans, as vaccine producers themselves, took Covid very seriously and they laid many restrictions upon the people; the standard new rules we are all now familiar with: lockdowns, masks, social distance. We manage with these impositions by stocking up our pantries and filling up our refrigerators and freezers. The shops are well stocked so we eat well and simply spend more time at home. In Cuba, the houses are small; the people don’t have the means to horde quantities of food. Store shelves are empty; food is scarce as a result of sanctions. In addition, tourism is almost dead now, and this was a major source of income in Cuba. The combination of Covid restrictions and scarce food under sanctions has laid the foundation for some highly publicized riots: encouraged, promoted, directed and managed by the US State Department.
Every second Cuban has a relative in Miami; and red state Florida has no lockdowns and masks. This made Cubans even more upset. The riots were dealt with deftly; the government simply overwhelmed the US funded crowds with its own supporters, converting the anti-Covid demos into pro-Cuban demos. Apparently, the Communist authorities are still sufficiently popular to field great quantities of volunteers. None of this has prevented the global mainstream media from distorting the source of Cuban unhappiness, nor prevents Washington from further interference, but all’s well that ends well, and we remain hopeful.
Phillip Knightley tells us in The First Casualty that between November 1917 and November 1919 the New York Times reported no fewer than ninety one times that the Bolsheviks were about to fall or indeed had already fallen. “Lenin losing control”, “Lenin and Trotsky fled the country”, “The Bolsheviks must fall”. Four times Lenin and Trotsky were reportedly planning flight; three times they had already fled; once Lenin had been killed, and three times he was in prison. Now the New York Times and Wall Street Journal announce daily that the fall of the Havana Communists is imminent.
There is a funny déjà vu. In 1917, a photograph showing Russian troops packed on the roofs of railway carriages on their way home was published under the heading Russian troops hasten to the front.
In 2021, a photo of a huge demo in Havana in support of the Cuban Revolution was published under the heading Cubans rebel against Communist regime. A few days later the heading was quietly corrected.
Cuba 1 Cubans for Revolution
The fall of Cuba is not imminent; but the government is caught in a double bind. If they ignore Covid and avoid lockdowns, they won’t be able to sell their vaccine abroad. They won’t be able to receive foreign tourists. If Cuba has even one more death that can be traced to Covid, Washington will claim that the Communists have doomed all Cubans to a horrible death. If Cuba rejects the international Covid cabal, the blockade will only tighten further, for Canada, Spain and France (the countries that send the most tourists to Cuba) are heavy on Covid restrictions. Sweden tried in 2020 to avoid Covid measures and for a while it was almost locked out of Europe.
Cuba cannot afford to cut itself off from the global community. Yet if the Cuban government locks its people down to please the Covid regime, they are likely to cause great dissatisfaction, perhaps leading to more riots. This is exactly what the Covid Masters want, global unrest. Chaos means opportunity, at least for some us. The strain of dealing with the virus is too great for ‘failed or failing states, from Cuba and South Africa to Iran and North Korea’ wrote the Daily Telegraph: “Covid could topple the world’s worst regimes”.
Many states now find themselves in a precarious situation, among them, the UK, where they plan to introduce a vaxx pass to visit nightclubs and a new tax on salt and sugar, but we are still nowhere near the grim predictions of Contagion, the 2011 movie, a hysterical Covid dress rehearsal scripted by the Rockefeller Foundation. In the movie, people die like flies, riot like the BLM in Seattle and eagerly wait for the one and only vaccine to save them. Reality is not that dramatic.
The vaccines are not deadly (despite Luc Montagnier’s claims) nor can they save us. In heavily vaccinated Israel the relentless spread of Covid has not been halted. People get sick and die, some vaccinated, some not. Old people used to die from the flu, now they die of Covid. The “Clot Shot” may be killing us, but it is too early to judge. In a year, we shall know more.
A way to answer it lies in applying the same criteria for the vaccine as for any other disease. People who died within 28 days of having a positive PCR test were declared official Victims of Covid. Let’s say that the Victims of the Vaxx are everyone who died within 28 days of being vaccinated. You will get a lot of casualties by this method. In Scotland, 6000 persons died within 28 days of vaccination, by official statistics. According the the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), over twenty-six thousand people either died, had a life-threatening injury, or were permanently disabled within 30 days of receiving a Covid vaccine:
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200) | 17,421 | 66.97% |
COVID19 (COVID19 (MODERNA)) (1201) | 7,375 | 28.35% |
COVID19 (COVID19 (JANSSEN)) (1203) | 1,398 | 5.37% |
We might at the same time cast doubt on the lethality of Covid itself, since nearly all who died were already suffering from “co-morbidities”. We all know this, and yet the single-minded drive for mass vaccination takes place now all over the world; the prominent people who object, they die in a hail of bullets like Haiti’s President, and not from Covid. The rest of us have no choice but to struggle along under the oppression and legalized discriminations of the global Covid machine.
And now we ‘circle back’ to the point of origin. How does the orchestrated global Covid campaign (formulated by Hollywood and coordinated by ‘exercises’ like Event 201) dovetail with the most popular hypotheses of origin, whether natural or bioweapon, accident or blowback? It does not.
For instance, consider Ron Unz’s theory of Covid being a US bioweapon used to attack China (and Iran) by rogue Deep State agents. It is an excellent theory. It is hugely popular all over the world: even Russian ministers send it to each other. It explains the timing of the MSM’s switch from the natural bat bite narrative to the Fauci-funded lab leak: it only occurred once Iran’s deadly attack was forgotten. But it has one deficiency. Obviously these ‘rogue Deep State agents’ have full access to the mass media, to medical institutions, to armed mercenaries. If they wanted to attack China and Iran, why do they keep bothering people all over the world enforcing vaxx? Aren’t there better ways to wage war?
Whatever theory we consider, all of them presume that Covid is an unprecedented single event, like the Big Bang. Probably it is an aberration caused by theological stress on the act of Creation. God indeed created the World, but He didn’t wash His hands and went home to rest. He keeps the World running. The Big Bang theory is misleading for it presumes that it was enough to jumpstart the world and now it will run under its own power. The world we live in is different. God attends to our world on day-to-day basis, still allowing us free will. So do the evil forces. They keep working, too. Let’s not forget that Covid was preceded by Avian flu, SARS, MERS, Ebola, and Zika, and that Fauci was intimately involved in the AIDS debacle.
We might ‘follow the money’. The people who funded ‘gain of function’ research, meddling with viruses, tweaking diseases to cross the human-animal barrier and apparently spreading them from Wuhan to Qom, these same people are profiting from the corresponding medicines; these same global corporations are benefiting from the mandatory lockdowns and vaccinations. This is now a proven business plan. If they did it once, they can do it again. New varieties of virus will no doubt appear whenever people are no longer afraid of the old stuff. What was an attack on China has become an attack on all humanity, and it stands to reason it was intended that way from the start. Only a conspiracy denier would refuse the force of logic: Wuhan was just the beginning.
So what can we do about it? Try and beat the anxiety. There are forces that want us to be continuously afraid and stressed. They invent or create endless reasons for it. The pandemic is still going on strong, but the media (never at rest like a shark) is already proposing new dangers.
‘Wobbling’ moon will cause devastating worldwide flooding in 2030s, NASA warns. Coastal cities under threat from ‘rapidly increasing high tide floods’, which could occur in clusters lasting a month or more, say scientists – so claim English media. Wobbling occurs every 18 years; it is a well-known phenomenon, but it does not stop the doomsayers.
And here is even greater news. According to the media, just a few days ago the earth just missed getting fried by a solar flare that would’ve wiped out civilization, as we know it. After lockdown it doesn’t seem like such a bad thing, right? So, let’s hope for the best. Maybe the next one will do the job that misanthropes have been counting on, from Bill Gates to Greta Thunberg. I do hope that will make the control freaks and technocrats finally happy!
When will people realize that these dire predictions of disaster are not only specious but clearly manipulative? Not only are the official threats (esp. Global Thermonuclear War, Global Jihad, Third World War, and now the endless Global Covid Pandemic) hysterically hyped, but also the “unofficial” threats promoted by NASA, the US military and their astroturf armies (Nibiru, Aliens, Moon Wobble, Comets, Asteroids, etc).
End of the World Prognostication is a reliable way to whip up and direct popular opinion. It has been shown time and time again that if a distraction is needed, a good world-ending yarn is compelling water-cooler talk. Our collective memory is short enough so we maintain our sense of impending disaster without noticing the Gaslighting pattern. “We are goldfish in a bowl continuously imprinted with flickering, phantasmal fears,” says Paul Bennett.

And yet, far away from the media din we are surrounded by a beautiful world, full of grace and compassion. We deserve it. Our women could seduce the angels; our men defeated dragons. Our wise old folk argued with Socrates and prayed with Apostles. Every green valley, every river stream, every flower is a gift of God. Enjoy it, and ignore the busy termites who are well paid to keep us hanging on tenterhooks. Death is unavoidable; it is part and parcel of life. The best we can do is to avoid anxiety and enjoy life while it lasts. Let Fauci vaxx Bezos aboard their phallic spaceship. Just let them all fly away never to be seen again.
Written in cooperation with Paul Bennett.