
Monday, March 5, 2018

Here's Why There's a Problem... - EPautos - Libertarian Car Talk

Car companies used to be places where car guys worked. Engineers, gearheads. People who at least liked cars and thought of them as more than commodities – like toothpaste, say.
Today, they are places where former insurance company and fast food guys work.
Like Jose Tomas, who is – well, was – GM’s chief human resources officer. He’s been fired – apparently – for unspecified reasons after only about eight months on the job. Might have been an ass grabber but probably got axed because he is still a guy.
If he was straight, he never stood a chance.
Tomas previously held “leading posts” at Anthem, the insurance giant and Burger King Corp.
GM’s current CEO Mary Barra, herself a human resource veteran, said that Tomas had a “well-rounded background” and lots of experience managing “a complex global employee base.”
Not much about cars – for either of them.
But a great commitment – for both of them – to “changing GM’s long-standing culture of dysfunction,” as the trade publication Automotive News put it. Which – as this column has noted before – translates into English roughly as follows:
Cars are incidental – and car guys (especially guys) irrelevant or at least inconvenient.
Race and sexual identity politics are everything. Push it, hard.
Because what’s between your legs – and what you do with what’s between your legs – is critically relevant to the sort of car you might drive. Ditto your hue.
So goes the logic.
African Americans on Wheels. Gay Wheels. Jews in Jeeps. Aryans in Audis. The last two are made-up. The first two are very real – and GM does everything it can to promote and push them to the fore, even to the extent of hiring the guy who founded Gays on Wheels, a publication which only a few gays ever read but that doesn’t matter.
The politics do.
When I, your faithful keyboard monkey, began writing about cars back in the early ’90s, there were still car guys running the car companies. I had beers with these guys and we muttered sympathetically together about the  geeks and race hustlers who were beginning to ruin everything. Turning cars into appliances. Forcing everyone to dry-hump the leg of the Safety Goddess who now rules the country through cucked men and women who have become sick parodies of men.
The business no longer cares much about cars – and forget car guys.
I am glad I got in while there was still some fading light left. Had the opportunity to hang out with guys like John Coletti, Bob Lutz and Martyn Schorr. Some of you may recognize these names.
They – and their kind – are all gone now.
I soldier on.
Sic gloria transit mundi
. . .
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