A new coup d’etat was attempted
on 24 June in Venezuela. Thierry Meyssan reveals that it was directed both
against the administration of Nicolás Maduro and his pro-US opponent Juan
Guaidó. Furthermore, according to the recordings of the conversations between
the conspirators, it was supervised by the Israëlis.
another attempted coup d’etat took place the 24 June 2019 in Venezuela. All the
protagonists were arrested, and the Minister for Information, Jorge Rodríguez,
delivered a lengthy explanation on television about the ins and outs of the
unlike the previous attempts, this conspiracy had been observed for 14 months
by a unit of Military Intelligence which had been trained by Cuban
Intelligence. During this whole period, the Venezuelans had penetrated the
group and monitored their audio and video communications. As a result, they now
have 56 hours of recordings which compose a wealth of irrefutable proof.
Several of the individuals
arrested had already been involved in the previous conspiracies, and so it is
difficult to imagine that this operation is distinct and separate from those
commanded earlier by the CIA.
No better future for the
opposition than for the government
remarks must be made. First of all, this conspiracy was directed both at
Constitutional President Nicolás Maduro and also the self-proclaimed president
Juan Guaidó, in order to bring a third man to power, General Raúl Isaías
latter, ex-head of the Chiefs of Staff, then Minister for Defense, had been
relieved of his functions by President Hugo Chávez. Baduel then turned against
Chavez and took the head of the opposition in 2009. However, it became known
that he had misappropriated money from his Ministry. He was tried and condemned
to 7 years of imprisonment, a sentence which he served. He was once again
incarcerated during the mandate of President Nicolás Maduro, and is still in
prison. A commando was supposed to free him and take him to the national
television studios, from where he would announce the change of régime.
The fact of the promotion of
a third president confirms our analysis, published two years ago [1], according to which the aim of the United
States is not to replace the Bolivarian régime with another, more obedient
government, but to destroy the state structures of the country. From the US
point of view, neither the nationalist majority nor the pro-US opposition need
waste time with hopes for the future.
Venezuelans who follow Guaidó and believe that US support will lead them to
victory must now admit their mistake. The Iraqi Ahmed Chalabi and the Libyan
Mahmoud Jibril returned to their countries in the backpacks of American G I’s.
They never knew the destiny for which they had hoped.
Classical analyses of the
20th century, according to which the United States prefer vassal governments to
equals are currently overtaken by transnational financial capitalism. This is
the meaning of the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski military doctrine, operational since
2001 [2], which has already devastated the « Greater
Middle East » and is now crashing down on the « Caribbean Basin ».
to the recordings of the conspiracy, this was not organised by the United
States, even if it is probable that they supervised it, but by the Israëlis.
Over the last 72 years, the CIA has organised an incredible quantity of «
régime changes » by way of « coups d’etat » or « colour revolutions ». For
reasons of efficiency, the Agency can simultaneously hand identical missions to
several units, even delegate certain operations to sub-contractors. This is
also the case of Mossad, which hires its services to numerous other clients.
Thus, four years ago, another
attempt at a coup d’etat occurred in Venezuela. The operation planned for
several assassinations and a demonstration which was intended to attack the
Presidential palace of Miraflores. TeleSur revealed
that this attempt was supervised by foreigners who arrived specially in the
country a few days before the events. They did not speak Spanish. The intended
route of the demonstration had been mysteriously signposted with graffitis of
the star of David and instructions in Hebrew.
Israël in Latin America
Prudently, Minister Jorge
Rodríguez avoided making a public statement as to whether the Israëlis who
directed the conspiracy of 22 June were or were not mandated by their own
state. Numerous examples attest that this is highly possible.
The rôle of the Israëli
secret services in Latin America dates from 1982. In Guatemala, Judeo-Christian
President Efraín Ríos Montt [3] massacred 18,000 Indians. While Ariel
Sharon invaded Lebanon, the Mossad pursued, in his shadow, the social
experiments that had been on-going since 1975 in apartheid South Africa – to
create Bantoustans for the Mayas – a model which would be applied to the
Palestinians after the Oslo Agreements (1994). Contrary to an optimistic
reading of events, the fact that Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin personally
supervised these social experiments in South Africa [4] does not speak well of his sincerity when
he agreed in Oslo to recognise a demilitarised Palestinian state.
Over the last ten years, the
Israëli secret services
have « authorised» the «
private » Israëli company Global CST to lead operation « Jaque » for the
liberation of Íngrid Betancourt, held hostage by the Colombian FARC
(2008) [5].
sent snipers to Honduras to
assassinate the leaders of the pro-democratic demonstrations during the coup
d’etat against Constitutional President Manuel Zelaya (2009) [6].
actively participated in the
overthrow of Brazilian Presidente Dilma Rousseff within the Central Bank, the
security of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and the Senate (2016).

Besides this, the Israëli
Defence Forces
have rented a submarine base
in Chile;
have sent thousands of
soldiers to follow two-week training courses on the property of Joe Lewis in
Argentinian Patagonia [7].

intellectual, founder and chairman of Voltaire Network and the Axis for Peace
Conference. His columns specializing in international relations feature in
daily newspapers and weekly magazines in Arabic, Spanish and Russian. His last
two books published in English : 9/11 the Big Lie and Pentagate.
articles on Voltaire Network may be freely reproduced provided the source is
cited, their integrity is respected and they are not used for commercial
purposes (license CC BY-NC-ND).