
Saturday, June 5, 2021

Vox Popoli: JDA defeats Worldcon (Whadat? - read on! - CL)

(I have little personal interest in science fiction and/or comics, but this report goes to the heart of the matter - so if you consider yourself to be either and/or a Conservative or Christian, you should not only read it, but consider your own behavior in defending your faith over your lifetime. I did myself about 20 some years ago and found it wanting - how's about you? BTW - faith as used in this context applies to anything we believe in - which leads us to another question: Do we understand what we believe? Augustine wrote - Faith comes by hearing, but understanding comes from knowledge and knowledge comes by sight!

Consider - empirical evidence alone tells us that both Christians and Conservatives have been AWOL from the real battlefield - CULTURE - it is NOT politics! Politics is the outage from the alimentary canal of national life and culture. We lost every institution over the last 100+ years - EVERY ONE - BY DEFAULT!

Our pathetic attempts in fighting DaLastWar by voting for some self-declaring savior to redeem our own lack of action hasn't cut it - has it? And yet we continue to repeat our feeble wishing-well efforts in avoiding DaRealWar - right in our own families, churches and communities - AWOL again. And those schools - which were started and maintained largely by C&C efforts have become fertile training grounds for servants of Satan - SHAMEFUL! Where were WE?

We might attend church once a week to be comforted by the pulpit master as if we're infants fed on milk - read Hebrews 5:11-14 sometime - in fact, read ALL of the Bible continuously to start learning about the secrets of life, if you dare.
You will discover the Jesus you never knew - He is NOT your therapist or divine butler!
It is time - better late than never - to take action beginning NOW - how?
You can start here - - but be prepared for anything you never even expected to see - yourself exposed to yourself, if you're honest with yourself. 
That's a tall order, but it is incredibly effective in freeing you from your perceived delusional mindset to please the god of this world - DaBastahd has almost everyone convinced he's on a winning track. How about you? - CL)


We are in dark times, but there is light and there is good. Even though it can seem overwhelming, you can fight the good fight, you can win. It isn’t easy, you can’t be low energy, and you must never concede, but know that truth will prevail. We follow the one true light of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ, and through him we will be his beacon and bring about his kingdom. It’s preordained. We have already won, and the lesson is to never be afraid of evil. Deus vult. ......

Not every victory will be fast, flawless, or result in a large financial payout. Much more often, the best that one can reasonably expect to do is a public apology, a retreat from arbitration, the return of the filing fees, or the imposition of expenses that are essentially a rounding error to a massive corporation that one wouldn't expect to even notice. But a victory is a victory, and more importantly, these victories stack over time to send a very strong message to everyone that converged individuals and organizations cannot continue to behave in the way they have been behaving.