Popoli: Memorializing a massive mistake
This post today both stings and also justifies the building of my Library (DLL).
Why the sting?
"But before I begin showing the written evidence, let me first confess that prior to 20 years ago I was all in on America’s foreign policy adventures – I was just as naïve, ignorant and clueless as most Americans today. After all, we’re all public school grad-u-ates and......." - copied from https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-war-on-terror-no-its-actuallya-war.html?m=0 - which is just one post from a word search on WHO WANTS WAR. You can do the same and read for weeks.
The 20th century is undoubtedly the capstone for the Satan worshippers.
I literally get sick to my stomach reading some of the essays which review the events leading up to WWII.
Yeah - Happy Memorial Day?
Remember - TRUTH HURTS - and by God, we need it today!