A vision of paradise restored, looking forward to 2016
As we near the end of an organized and busy 2015 here at American Vision, we would like to express gratitude and thanks for the many projects you helped us to accomplish with your generous prayers and support and we’re looking forward to the work that lies ahead. God has given us major opportunities, and He has opened doors for us we never expected as we endeavor in our work of restoring America.
We began the year planning a conference with our friends from Apologia Church in Tempe, Arizona, which included a debate on Theonomy. The video of this debate has been viewed over 20,000 times, and the lecture videos thousands of times each as well. We continue to receive positive feedback, requests for resources, and questions regarding God’s Law to this day. The events from that one week alone have generated a new audience of young people and young couples eager to learn about comprehensive biblical worldview and God’s Law in every area of life.
Your support made this possible. Your support has helped us to reach hundreds of new Christians and to transform their worldview into a bold, no-compromise mission for family, church, and state.
We have been involved with several other conferences as well, some reaching young people, others new audiences. In just two events this fall, we reached over 2,500 almost entirely new readers. At the Bahnsen Conference we stood firm to clarify the message of Christian Reconstruction in contrast to opposing views. At the Freedom Conference in Des Moines, Iowa we preached among presidential candidates on the biblical ideals for homeschooling, decentralized government, civil liberties, and other aspects of our mission.
In response to our multiple conference lectures and radio interviews, we continue to receive numerous requests for more information, resources, and materials.
Publishing materials is at the heart of what American Vision does. This year has been very productive in this regard. We brought back Alice Baldwin’s The New England Pulpit and the American Revolution from obscurity. This masterful work reveals the true biblical foundations of American freedom as it rang from America’s pulpits for over 100 years prior to the American Revolution.
Following on this, we were inspired to reprint three of the historic sermons in updated, modern editions. The result was God’s Law and Government in America, which includes an unparalleled sermon on godly government that has not been in print since 1742.
Then we followed with an unprecedented discovery from the Reformation: Johannes Piscator’s 1607 Disputations on the Judicial Laws of Moses. This concise (but information-packed) treatise on the role of biblical law was a phenomenal find. As one of the foremost formulations of the subject, it influenced key members of the Westminster assembly, the language of the Westminster Confession itself, and was heard ringing from pulpits in early America as late as the Constitutional Convention. It is American Vision’s exclusive privilege to offer the first-ever English translation.
We also published Gary DeMar’s brand new book, A Beginner’s Guide to Interpreting Bible Prophecy—the fruit of over 35 years of research on the subject, written and illustrated for the layman.
And all of this does not even include the hundreds of articles and social media interactions we produce almost daily.
Again, we would not be able to continue reaching people the way we do without your great support. As we now look forward, we rely on you to help us make American Vision an even greater blessing in 2016.
And do we have a lot of work lined up for 2016! We’re planning to write more great books on God’s Law, Bible prophecy, and biblical worldview; more application every day; more projects and more outreaches in our desire to double our social media footprint. We plan to resume our work on a massive project: the Worldview Study Bible; and finally we plan on developing summer training seminars for young professionals and young couples, as well as another God, Governments and Culture Conference (more than likely in Texas).
We have these projects and much more we can accomplish in 2016, but we need your help to do it.
Please consider a generous end-of-year, tax-deductible donation to American Vision. We appreciate your prayers and support as we work together in restoring America to its biblical foundations.

Dr. Joel McDurmon, President
American Vision, Inc.
We began the year planning a conference with our friends from Apologia Church in Tempe, Arizona, which included a debate on Theonomy. The video of this debate has been viewed over 20,000 times, and the lecture videos thousands of times each as well. We continue to receive positive feedback, requests for resources, and questions regarding God’s Law to this day. The events from that one week alone have generated a new audience of young people and young couples eager to learn about comprehensive biblical worldview and God’s Law in every area of life.
Your support made this possible. Your support has helped us to reach hundreds of new Christians and to transform their worldview into a bold, no-compromise mission for family, church, and state.
We have been involved with several other conferences as well, some reaching young people, others new audiences. In just two events this fall, we reached over 2,500 almost entirely new readers. At the Bahnsen Conference we stood firm to clarify the message of Christian Reconstruction in contrast to opposing views. At the Freedom Conference in Des Moines, Iowa we preached among presidential candidates on the biblical ideals for homeschooling, decentralized government, civil liberties, and other aspects of our mission.
In response to our multiple conference lectures and radio interviews, we continue to receive numerous requests for more information, resources, and materials.
Publishing materials is at the heart of what American Vision does. This year has been very productive in this regard. We brought back Alice Baldwin’s The New England Pulpit and the American Revolution from obscurity. This masterful work reveals the true biblical foundations of American freedom as it rang from America’s pulpits for over 100 years prior to the American Revolution.
Following on this, we were inspired to reprint three of the historic sermons in updated, modern editions. The result was God’s Law and Government in America, which includes an unparalleled sermon on godly government that has not been in print since 1742.
Then we followed with an unprecedented discovery from the Reformation: Johannes Piscator’s 1607 Disputations on the Judicial Laws of Moses. This concise (but information-packed) treatise on the role of biblical law was a phenomenal find. As one of the foremost formulations of the subject, it influenced key members of the Westminster assembly, the language of the Westminster Confession itself, and was heard ringing from pulpits in early America as late as the Constitutional Convention. It is American Vision’s exclusive privilege to offer the first-ever English translation.
We also published Gary DeMar’s brand new book, A Beginner’s Guide to Interpreting Bible Prophecy—the fruit of over 35 years of research on the subject, written and illustrated for the layman.
And all of this does not even include the hundreds of articles and social media interactions we produce almost daily.
Again, we would not be able to continue reaching people the way we do without your great support. As we now look forward, we rely on you to help us make American Vision an even greater blessing in 2016.
And do we have a lot of work lined up for 2016! We’re planning to write more great books on God’s Law, Bible prophecy, and biblical worldview; more application every day; more projects and more outreaches in our desire to double our social media footprint. We plan to resume our work on a massive project: the Worldview Study Bible; and finally we plan on developing summer training seminars for young professionals and young couples, as well as another God, Governments and Culture Conference (more than likely in Texas).
We have these projects and much more we can accomplish in 2016, but we need your help to do it.
Please consider a generous end-of-year, tax-deductible donation to American Vision. We appreciate your prayers and support as we work together in restoring America to its biblical foundations.
Dr. Joel McDurmon, President
American Vision, Inc.
deductible to the extent permitted by law.