
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Bruce Charlton's Notions: When "get woke, go broke" is The Plan: Self-correcting, 'negative feedback' systems don't apply when demons are running the world

 (As an introduction, you might want to review - 

Are We Governed by Humans? - CL)


We are all finding it difficult to get to grips with this new post-global totalitarian world administered (ultimately) by demonic powers (and their mindless human hosts, servants and slaves); because it operates on the basis of an inverted value system which is not a natural way for us humans to think. 

The difference is that (unlike Men) demonic powers are motivated by the desire to destroy whatever is Good, whatever is God's creation. 

For example, the birdemic-response, including the mandatory peck program, has led to major sectors of the economy, of national functioning, of essential provisions, being in increased danger of being rendered useless or even destroyed. 

This makes the nations weak, impoverished, increasingly chaotic. This is negative feedback, indicating that what is being done is doing harm - and that we need to stop doing it. 

Normally, negative feedback would lead national rulers to stop doing it. But these times are not normal. 

When the global rulership is under demonic control, such negative consequences are regarded as A Good Thing. Since the demonic powers desire to destroy God's creation and every-thing Good - they are delighted by evidence of increasing national weakness, and by the increased sufferings and death of human beings. 

For demons; what we humans regard as Negatives are, in fact, The Plan.  

The 'climate change' agenda likewise. The in-place, anti-Good global strategy against carbon - the chemical of life, and CO2 - the gas of life - makes perfect sense from the (to us humans, inverted) anti-life perspective of demons whose existence is as unembodied spirits. 

The phrase "go woke, go broke" will be true in the long-term. Wokeness (aka. political correctness, convergence) is anti-functional, destructive of its nature. So, even though explicit corporate wokeness is expedient for those managers who implement it - expedient by a short timescale of weeks or months (which is why convergence happens, everywhere); nonetheless accelerating wokeness always and necessarily leads to destruction of institutions.

So, all institutions are going woke, getting dysfunctional, going broke... And any human being who values that 'broken' function (whether the function be science or sports, profit or pleasure, education or entertainment) will regard this collapse of functionality as a disadvantage. However, such outcomes are 'good' from the destructive perspective of the demonic mind.  

The utterly ineffectual pseudo-attempts to control supposedly-rising global temperature (when global temperature cannot be predicted, cannot be controlled - and should not be controlled) have (like the birdemic) created and sustained global totalitarianism, and are destroying the world economy.

This predictably and inevitably leading to starvation, disease, violence and giga-death (i.e the death of billions of humans - a situation not possible until the colossal population growth of the twentieth century and continuing). 

But what seems like, pretty obviously, negative feedback from our human perspective, i.e. the death of billions; is regarded as positive and desirable from the demonic standpoint. The demonic agenda explicitly includes the ideal aim for billions of Men to die - what they don't say is that they intend that these billions should die in a condition of resentment, fear and despair - die denying the spiritual realm including the reality of their souls, cursing God, and rejecting the eternal life offered by Jesus Christ.

(It is because the billions 'need' to die in a state of spiritual sin that the agenda for evil proceeds incrementally, along with massive and sustained attempts to manipulate and invert public values via the mass media and all other communications systems such as education, Human Resources, and the arts.)  

'Positive feedback' is the situation when deviation from the desired situation causes yet further deviation; e.g. when harm leads to more harm, when destruction leads to more destruction, when evil leads to more evil. 

It seems that the demons - having created a single, inter-dependent world System (administered by an hierarchical and cross-linked bureaucracy and mass-social media) - are now stressing that System with more-and-more inefficiency, more inter-system conflict, more sub-system and functional destruction.

They are ignoring (where possible) the negative feedback (often spinning it as benefit!) - and They intend continuing stressing The System until the point where even the possibility of self-correction becomes unachievable. 

The aim seems to be inducing positive feedback in a single System, when increased dysfunction in one domain of that System leads to dysfunction in several other domains - and then the same again; until these accelerating and spreading dysfunction all add-together to make a 'System' that ever more rapidly and irreversibly destroys itself. 

In other words, when "get woke, go broke' is accelerated by a positive feedback system in the short-term; and when consequently organizations are going "broke" all through The System; then going-broke also becomes a positive feedback process - until The System as a whole is irreparably broke-en. 

None of this makes sense from a long-term human perspective - although it can be (is being) dressed-up as expedient in the immediate short term. 

For example, any deviation from total compliance with The System (e.g. refusal of the peck, refusal to comply with antiracist rituals, refusal to celebrate ever more extreme sexual delusion, sterility and perversity) may be punished; and punished by ever more rapidly increasing sanctions. 

Any refusal to engage in destruction is disallowed and may be inexpedient - but compliance with the work of destruction is allowed and may be rewarded.  

Yet it is certain that any and all of these demanded compliances are only a prelude to further (in the pipeline) demands for greater and more extreme compliances - with greater and more extreme sanctions. Thus destruction accelerates. 

Human rulers might eventually be appalled at the emerging dystopia; might eventually 'have mercy' or at least 'see sense'. But when The System is administered by demons they will laugh at the idea of mercy, delight in human torment; and their idea of what makes 'sense' is the opposite of Mankind's.  

The conclusion is that we need to adjust our expectations to the new realities. We need to stop judging demons by human criteria. We need to stop expecting our current rulers to behave as did rulers of the past. 

Because this time, and for the first time, we are all up-against a world ruled by immortal spirits of evil.