
Monday, March 7, 2022

American Seppuku – and just in time! The Evil Empire is expiring…hopefully before it kills us all!

I cannot recall a day of posting in DaLimbraw Library like today – where ALL the articles just fell in place – as if they were all coordinated by the same mind. Maybe they were!?

Just as Old Scratch coordinates evil – it makes logical sense that God coordinates His servants to give the Ezekiel 33 warning – and why not? He ALWAYS warned – often numerous times before delivering His reward for the evil wicked. Remember 70 AD? The similarities are striking!

MoA - To Punish Russia The 'Liberal Order' Attempts To Suicide Itself - All the consequences of the 'west's' reaction to Russia's move were foreseeable. It is pure recklessness and stupidity that have allowed them to take place. The 'west' will now get punished for the bad movie it has launched.

“A Finger in Every Pie”: Scott Howard’s Open Society Playbook – The Occidental Observer - by Edmund Connelly, Ph. D. - Pay attention here. Howard throughout the book indeed recognizes that the world is now facing Evil, as he writes in his own conclusion: “Without question, the long shadow cast over the earth today is one of evil.” This is not simply an economic or political struggle, it is, Howard insists, one against Lucifer himself. Jews want “wet clay for their golems, and that is what they are getting. They ‘open up’ to eventually lock down. They want total control and they are playing for keeps.”

Yet again we have been warned.

WE (The US) Started This War - by Karl Denninger - If you support this bull**** and do not insist that we stop it NOW you deserve it if we all glow in the dark.

That's no bull**** America.  If YOU let this continue to where it is headed today roughly one quarter of the population of this nation has a high probability of being a rapidly expanding ball of 5,000F gas with more than half of the remainder starving or dying of disease and cold over the next five years as our capacity to produce electricity, fuel and food, along with distributing same, never mind medicine, drinkable water and sanitation will be returned to roughly the time of the 1800s and remain there for at least five if not ten or more years.

The USA Wants War - Vox Popoli - But let the record show that if there is war between Russia and NATO, it was with the full knowledge and connivance of the Fake Biden administration. And soon everyone may be able to find out why the Russians haven’t been demonstrating the capabilities of their air force or their air defense systems.

Welcoming the New World Order By Martin Armstrong - So welcome the New World Order, but it will be NOTHING as even Schwab expected.

American Pravda: Putin as Hitler?, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review - Bismarck allegedly once quipped that there is a special Providence for drunkards, fools, and the United States of America. But I fear that we have now drawn down on that Providence one too many times, and may now suffer the consequences.

Information Blockades – How and Why?, by Larry Romanoff - The Unz Review - Epilogue

This is our Anglo-Zionist ICG, some of the worst mass-murderers of all time, complemented by people of like psychopathology – Madeleine Albright, Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Victoria Nuland and so many more, all heavily abetted by the little Jewish cabal that controls the mass media.

These people are gangsters, the most morally-deformed psychopaths and sociopaths that have likely ever existed in the history of the world, led by the remnants of Khazaria, the most brutal, feared, and hated peoples who have ever populated the earth. It was the Russians who destroyed the Khazar Empire, killed the bulk of these phallic-worshipping Satanists, and scattered the rest to the four winds. That was hundreds of years ago, and it appears they will not rest until they destroy Russia in return.

We are dealing with a people who are evil personified, Satanists to the core. It is they who are most likely responsible for the CIA’s killing of more than 150 world leaders and officials, the Kennedy brothers and more. It is they who have instigated all the wars and “color revolutions”, and who (through the media owned by their friends) have been lionising Russia, China and Iran for years, desperate to start World War Three after which Satan’s new Temple can be built in Israel and we can properly begin our New World Order as Goyim cattle. That is the plan. Your belief in it is not material to its execution.

I am almost certain we will soon have that third world war, with Americans once again stupidly functioning as the ‘Bankers’ Private Army’, believing they are doing God’s work while destroying our world and killing half the population.

Thank you, America, for making the world safe for democracy

Back In the USSR - The Good Citizen - The swift de-westernization of Russia. - Life in Russia may never be quite the same. The thirty year dalliance with fetishizing western tangible brand goods, western music and entertainment - a brief glitch in the Soviet matrix is probably over. Once Ukraine is brought to heel, Putin will move quickly in his re-nationalization aims, but the cultural isolation means that things on that front are certainly back in the USSR. And perhaps, given western civilization’s move to adopt the more hideous elements of the Soviet era, it won’t be such a bad thing.